A Vision to Share One Million Prayers

A Vision to Share One Million Prayers

Hey! It's Lisa, the founder of Autumn & Annie. 

Lisa, Founder of Autumn & Annie

Welcome to One Million Prayers! This is our blog where I will share prayers, inspiration, scripture and a little bit about myself. God has put a passion in my heart to share about the power of prayer with you. 

Why one million?
The vision God has placed upon my heart is to share over ONE MILLION prayers with others through this ministry. Why one million? Because it's a number I would never be able to accomplish on my own. Only with God's divine intervention would I be able to share a million prayers in my lifetime. When this goal is accomplished, God will get ALL the glory because only He could make it happen. 

Why prayer?
I believe that when we have hope in the Lord, we cannot be defeated. Through daily communion with our Savior, we know He is always with us - even during the toughest trials. Prayer has changed my life during hard seasons, and I can't wait to share with you about it.

Today, I want to share a prayer about boldness. Won't you pray with me?

Dear Lord, 
I pray You would give me big dreams that can only be accomplished with your intervention. There is no limit to your power, and I want You to receive ALL the glory through this ministry. I know that sometimes I feel like I'm not enough to share about Your great love. Not smart enough. Not talented enough. But the truth is You have called each of us to go and make disciples of all nations. Help me to  share with others about your love and mercy, even when I don't have the words. Give me the opportunity and the courage to share about You boldly. 

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1 comment

Thank you so much for stepping out in faith and sharing this big God-sized dream. You (and your prayer) are an encouragement to me and I know will encourage sooo many! ❤️

Denise A

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