Praying Through Pregnancy - Week 29

Praying Through Pregnancy - Week 29

Welcome! If you’re pregnant or want to pray along with an expecting friend or family member, you’re in the right place. Pray along with us as we cover developmental milestones, scripture, and prayers for each week of pregnancy. 


Week 29

At 29 weeks pregnant, your baby is the size of a butternut squash. Your little one's bones are starting to harden, providing a more solid structure to support their growing body. As your baby continues to gain weight, you may notice a change in their movements. With limited space inside the womb, you will likely feel more pronounced kicks and elbow jabs. These delightful sensations serve as a reminder of the active and lively presence growing within you. Your baby's movements are not only a sign of their development but also a source of comfort and connection between the two of you. Enjoy these precious moments as you eagerly await the arrival of your little bundle of joy.

Scripture: Hebrews 12:1-2

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Prayer: Endurance

Dear Lord,

As I approach the 29th week of my pregnancy, my heart is filled with awe and gratitude for the precious life growing within me. I humbly come before You, O God, seeking Your guidance for my child who is soon to join this world. I pray that You would instill in them a spirit of endurance, so that they may face the challenges and trials of life with unwavering strength.

Just as it is written in Hebrews 12:1-2, I ask that You teach my little one to run the race marked out for their life, holding on to the faith and perseverance that come from knowing You. May they never lose sight of the ultimate prize, which is found in a deep and abiding relationship with You. Grant them the courage to face conflicts head-on, knowing that Your presence is always with them, guiding and comforting them through every storm.

Lord, I entrust my child's journey to Your loving care. May they grow to be resilient, determined, and steadfast in their pursuit of righteousness and purpose. May Your Spirit be their constant companion, providing wisdom and discernment in every decision they make.

In Your infinite grace and wisdom, I ask that You surround my little one with a community of support and love. May they encounter mentors and friends who will encourage and inspire them to press on, even when the path seems steep and treacherous.

Thank You, dear Lord, for being entrusted with this precious life. I pray that You would bless our family abundantly.

In Jesus' name, I pray,


Pregnancy Milestone Cards

Do you love learning about how your sweet baby is growing each week? One of our favorite things to do is document baby’s growth with bump photos. We created these printable Pregnancy Growth Cards for you to print and document your pregnancy journey. Place pictures in your little one’s baby book or keepsake box to cherish for years to come.

Exclusively for our blog readers, save 50% with code SAVE50 on Etsy.

Hi, I’m Lisa, the founder of Autumn & Annie. If you’re new here, welcome to One Million Prayers! This is our blog where I share prayers, inspiration, scripture, and a little bit about myself. God has put a passion in my heart to share about the power of prayer with YOU!

I’m on a mission to create meaningful gifts inspired by God's Word. You can find our Pregnancy Prayer Cards and Prayers for Baby's First Year available on our websiteAmazon & Etsy.

One of the best gifts you can give is the gift of prayer.

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