Praying Through Pregnancy - Week 31

Praying Through Pregnancy - Week 31

Welcome! If you’re pregnant or want to pray along with an expecting friend or family member, you’re in the right place. Pray along with us as we cover developmental milestones, scripture, and prayers for each week of pregnancy. 


Week 31

During week 31, your little one is the size of a coconut. At this stage, your baby's head can gracefully swivel from side to side, a testament to the strengthening of neck muscles. Meanwhile, his or her growing body adorns itself with delicate layers of fat, fostering both insulation and energy reserves for the remarkable transformation that awaits. 

Scripture: Philippians 4:8

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

Prayer: Thoughts

Dear God,

As I carry this precious life within me, I humbly come before You, seeking Your guidance. Today, I bring a prayer that encompasses the thought life of my future child, recognizing the profound influence thoughts hold over our actions, words, and ultimately, the course of our lives.

In Philippians 4:8, You lovingly instruct us to dwell on what is true, pure, and praiseworthy. Lord, I pray earnestly that You would instill in my child a steadfast commitment to this beautiful principle. May their mind be a sanctuary, a sacred dwelling place where noble and uplifting thoughts find a welcoming abode.

I ask, Lord, that You guard their precious mind against the perils of negativity, falsehood, and impurity. Guide them away from the snares of harmful influences that seek to distort truth and tarnish purity. Surround them with an aura of discernment, enabling them to differentiate between that which is fleeting and that which is enduring.

May their thoughts be adorned with the brilliance of truth, where honesty and integrity shape their character. Grant them a deep longing for purity, where their actions and intentions align with goodness and righteousness. Illuminate their path, dear Lord, so that they may recognize the praiseworthy qualities in others and within themselves.

I offer this prayer with a grateful heart, trusting in Your boundless love and grace. 

In Your holy name, I pray.


Pregnancy Milestone Cards

Do you love learning about how your sweet baby is growing each week? One of our favorite things to do is document baby’s growth with bump photos. We created these printable Pregnancy Growth Cards for you to print and document your pregnancy journey. Place pictures in your little one’s baby book or keepsake box to cherish for years to come.

Exclusively for our blog readers, save 50% with code SAVE50 on Etsy.

Hi, I’m Lisa, the founder of Autumn & Annie. If you’re new here, welcome to One Million Prayers! This is our blog where I share prayers, inspiration, scripture, and a little bit about myself. God has put a passion in my heart to share about the power of prayer with YOU!

I’m on a mission to create meaningful gifts inspired by God's Word. You can find our Pregnancy Prayer Cards and Prayers for Baby's First Year available on our websiteAmazon & Etsy.

One of the best gifts you can give is the gift of prayer.

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